Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Updating BIOS with EasyFlash (Asus Laptops)

Here are the steps to update with EasyFlash:
  1. Start EasyFlash, by rebooting the computer and pressing F4 at the ASUS splashscreen. Alternatively, enter BIOS using F2 at the ASUS splashscreen, navigate to the Advanced tab, and select Start Easy Flash. Confirm starting it by pressing Y if requested to do so. The utility will display in the top-left corner of the screen the model, version, and date of the current BIOS installed on the computer.
  2. Select the drive where you saved the BIOS from the list of drives to the left of the screen, e.g., D:. Then, navigate to the folder with the BIOS file, e.g., D:\BIOS. It is possible that drive letters have changed w.r.t. those in Windows, depending on what's plugged into the computer at that time, so check other drive letters if you don't find the BIOS at the drive letter you expected it to be.
  3. Select the BIOS file. The utility will display the model, version, and date of the BIOS file to the top-right of the screen, and ask you to confirm overwriting. The EasyFlash utility does not check that the date of the BIOS that you want to write is newer than what's already installed. So you can use it just as easily for downgrading the BIOS.Before continuing, check that the model number is correct, and that the version is the one you intended to write. If all checks out OK, confirm updating the BIOS.
  4. The utility will Erase, Flash, and Verify the BIOS. Wait patiently, it will be less than a minute. If all goes well, a message will be displayed announcing a successful operation, and after a few seconds the computer will reboot.

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