- In Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or older and their server equivalent, click on the Start button, then go to Control Panel.In Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later and their server equivalent, open WinX Power Users menu, and select Control Panel.
- Go to System and Maintenance -> Administrative Tools.
- Open either Local Security Policy.
- In Local Security Policy console window, expand Security Settings -> Local Policies.
- Then select Security Options.
- In the details pane on the right, locate the Interactive Logon: Message text for users attempting to log on.
- Right click on the security option and select Properties, or simply double click on the security option.
- Type in the message text to be prompt on logon.
- Click OK (not yet if you want to set message title as well).
To also configure a message title that appears in the title bar of the pop up window containing message text:
- Follow all above steps, until to the point when you locate the setting for message text. For message title, locateInteractive Logon: Message Title for users attempting to log on instead.
- Right click on the security option and select Properties, or simply double click on the security option.
- Type in a message title.
- Click OK.
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