Sunday, November 15, 2015

cannot access my BIOS settings

It is very possible some of your problems are related to the Upgrade Install rather than going the Custom Install route. Yes the Custom Install takes longer, but ultimately gives a more pristine installation.

On every PC I have read about, the Win 8 start up is quicker. My PC (with Fast Start enabled) on a conventional platter HD is about 15 secs. I have not found a problem at all with non UEFI, in fact just the opposite. The UEFI system secure boot can cause problems with Image restoration using Linux Rescue Boot Disks.

I can access my Bios as I could with Win 7. No problems at all. 

I did go the long route and did a Custom Install from Media I created during the installation. I also formatted as part of the installation. From the moment I started by installation until I was complete was less than 5 hours, including all apps installed, all updates done, defrag done and 3 system Images created. 2 of the 3 Images were intermediate in case I ran into problems, which I did not so after creating the final, initial Image I deleted the first 2 Images. Installed were 29 apps plus Office 2010 Pro Plus.

I also did most of my basic customization's during this 5 hour time frame. I do not think that's bad from start to finish.

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