Saturday, November 14, 2015

Bios Related Issue

Revert BIOS and return to previous Restore Point

I'm very careful about any Windows or Lenovo updates b/c of some older software that I need to keep functional on my laptop.  For that reason, I'm very selective about Windows or Lenovo updates. 

Last week, I ran the system update for Lenovo/ThinkVantage and installed all critical and recommended software.  Included was a BIOS update.

It was a few days before I attempted using the Nortel Contivity VPN Client.  And for the life of me, I cannot get that to work anymore.  That's very bad for me b/c I provide 7x24 hr coverage to several customers for which the VPN is my only access mechanism.

I confirmed the problem is with my laptop b/c a desktop PC at work can still connect (so the problem is not on my customers side).

All the reading I've done on my exact "symptoms" point to the LAN card.

I first attempted to return to a previous restore point (via the MS System Tools) but the dumb thing says that there haven't been any changes.  I tried 4 different checkpoint each further back in time and continued to get that message.

#1 - I'd like direction/insight on returning to a restore point
#2 - I'd like to acquire the previous W510 BIOS software along with instruciton for installing it.

Thank you.

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